General Sales Conditions

1. Application
The following Conditions of Sale shall apply to all orders between the customer (“Purchaser”) for the purchase of furniture and other products from Tirolo srl (“Supplier”). These General Sales Conditions shall be applicable between Tirolo srl and Purchaser, unless otherwise agreed by written agreement between the Parties. By signing the order confirmation, the Purchaser approves these General Sales Conditions between Tirolo srl and Purchaser.  These general conditions can be studied and copied on Supplier web pages ( and a copy of these conditions shall be sent to the Purchaser on request. Amendments to the sales conditions shall be made in writing. Term ‘in writing’ shall mean a document having been signed by both Parties or a document having been sent as a letter or e-mail.

2. Offer
The offer shall be valid for thirty (30) days from the date of the offer. After this term the Supplier is entitled to amend the price and the delivery time of the offer.

3. Purchase Orders
All orders placed by Purchaser are subject to acceptance by the Supplier by way of a written order confirmation. The Supplier shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed. The Purchaser must advise the Supplier in writing of any errors in the order confirmation within 2 working days after the receipt of said confirmation. Changes to an order could be subjected to additional charges. A revised order confirmation will be sent from the Supplier.

4. Prices
Prices are in Euro. Price and availability are subject to change without notice. The Supplier reserves the right to price adjustments in case of changes in production costs such as major changes in prices of raw materials or in exchange rates and the like. Prices include packing but do not include freight and in transit insurance, storage, taxes, custom duties. All prices are EX WORKS Supplier warehouse (Manzano – Italy).

5. Payment Terms
Payment shall be made according to the conditions set out in the offer. Payments are requested in advance unless otherwise agreed. The products shall remain the property of the Supplier until they have been paid to the Supplier in full with possible interest for delay.

6. Claim
The Purchaser shall within eight (8) days after receipt of the delivery, inform the Supplier of any and all defects in the delivery or in the products that he has noticed or should have noticed. After this period the goods delivered shall be deemed as complete and in good condition and the Purchaser is no longer entitled to make a complaint about such defect in the delivery or the products.

7. Warranty
The Supplier warrants its Products to be free from defects under normal use for a period of six (6) months from the date of delivery. This warranty does not apply if Products have been altered, modified or have subjected to abnormal use and does not extend to damage caused by shipping, accident, abuse, cleaning or normal wear, and is limited to repair or replacement of defective Products at the sole discretion of the Supplier.

8. Arbitration
Any claim, dispute or controversy arising out of, relating to these General Sales Conditions shall be governed by Italian law in Udine (Italy) court.

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